Thursday, 18 July 2013

WP7 & WP8 XAP Windows Phone App

I've recently been having problems with an app that has a WP7 and WP8 package.

At first the package had the same version when submitted and WP8 devices correctly got the WP8 XAP and WP7 devices got the WP7 XAP.

Suddenly with no change, WP8 devices started getting the WP7 XAP.

We put in a ticket with the store team and the mentioned the versions had to be different, so I updated the WP8 package higher than the WP7 one and submitted it, in accordance with this guideline:

This still did not help.

We asked support again and they examined the XAPs and started going on about one targeting 8.0 and one 7.1 AND 8.0. Well of course the 7 one will target both, because it's supposed to, but surely the store should be able to work it out?

We resubmitted a few times and nothing worked and we kept getting responses about the 7.1 and 8 thing.

Eventually I decided to up-version both XAPs with a minor fix together and that finally seemed to work!

Here's my check list for future reference:
  • Make sure the WP8 package has a higher version than the WP7 one in the WMAppManifest
  • Make sure the WP8 package has a higher version than the WP7 one on the store
  • Submit 2 XAPs at the same time

I've got another minor update to push out this week so will see if it works again!


  1. "Make sure the WP8 package has a higher version than the WP7 one in the WMAppManifest" - it's not clear for me? how it could be one application but different version?
    And thank you for the yours blog.

  2. If you have an app which you want to target wp7 but also use extended wp8 functionality like Bluetooth, nfc, lock screen etc, you need a wp7 app which has the core functionality and a wp8 app that has the core functionality and the wp8 specific functionality. These are deployed as one store app.
